Selasa, April 08, 2008

Not Liking The Food You Have Daily

Pagi ini saat saya membuka inbox saya,saya temukan email berikut dari salah satu teman saya.Email sejenis ini sudah sering saya dapat.Tapi pagi ini terasa ada sesuatu yang sangat berbeda karena saya membaca ( dan meresapi sepenuhnya pesan dibalik email ini ) pada sebuah moment yang sangat tepat yaitu saat saya mau sarapan pagi.So........saya merasa punya kewajiban untuk menyebarkan pesan ini kepada anda semua " marilah senantiasa berbagi kepada sesama.Karena yakinlah bahwa kita adalah orang yang sangat beruntung dibanding dengan mereka yang diluar sana yang sangat mengharapkan bantuan dan uluran tangan kita hanya untuk sekedar mempertahankan nafas kehidupan mereka......."

Not liking the food you have daily???
How about some pizza?No???

Ok....... Pasta?No??
How about Taco?Not in taco mood today? ... ok.. Trying this Mexican Food?No again?
No probs.. we have more choice..Hmmmmmmm.. chinise??????? Ok.. lets try Indian.. South Indian Food?Naaaaa??? Junk food mood?
Or some diet food today? The choice we have is endless.......Tiffin ?
Large Quantity?Or just some bites of chicken?You can have any of these... or try out little from all...

But..They have No choice..
They just need some food to survive..

Think of them next time you throw the cafeteria food saying, its not tasty!!Think of them next time you say ..
Roti or BREAD here is too hard to eat...........

Please DO NOT WASTE foodIf you have a function/party at your home in India and food gets wasted , don't hesitate to call 1098 (only in India ) - child helpline. They will come and collect the food. If you people are from other countries please try to find out the people who will be taking this responsibility.Please circulate this message which can help feed many children.
"Helping hands are better than Praying Lips"

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Anonim mengatakan...

CHILDLINE India DOES NOT COLLECT left over food after a party.

CHILDLINE 1098 is India’s only and most widespread Children’s phone emergency outreach service for distressed and deprived children in need of care and protection. We not only respond to emergency needs of children but also provide a platform for networking amongst organisations and provide linkages to support systems that facilitate the rehabilitation of children in need. This is a project supported by the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development and linking state Governments, NGOs, bilateral /multilateral agencies and corporate sector. In 12 years, CHILDLINE has worked with over 3 million children in need of care and protection.

1098, the toll free emergency number should be kept free for emergency calls from children and others in the time of distress or for concerned citizens to report a child who is in need of our help.
Know better about CHILDLINE –